Getting Started with Calley Free Auto Dialer App

Autodial using Android Phone


In this we will explain how to Quick setup the Calley Autodialer App using Android Phone. For Guide I am using Calley Personal - Free for Life plan
It sets up a Call Center on your mobile phone, and you can manage the Calling List.

You can do the following to Automate your Outbound Calling Workflow in a Calley Personal Plan. 
  1. Create a List to call automatically, this list is created on the secure Web Panel using a CSV file.  
  2. Download the Calley Mobile App and install them on your phone. 
  3. Call the numbers automatically to speak to the leads rather than dialing them. 

Step-by-Step Guide for Setup

Please follow the steps below to start using Calley ACD for your outbound dialling process. 
To start, you will need a 
  1. A Mobile Phone - Android or iOS to make calls. 
  2. A Laptop / Desktop to manage lead data and reporting. 
  3. An Active Internet Connection. 

Calley Process on Computer

Hi, welcome to In this video, we will discuss how you can quickly set up a Calley Personal Account in the Web Panel.

  1. Log in to the Web Panel using a valid Email and Password.

  2. Once you log in to the panel you are taken to the Dashboard, to start using Calley you need to add a Calling List. Hover over the Calling List link on the top navigation bar and click on Standard Import

  3. You are on Calley Personal Plan. It entitles you to upload only one list with 50 numbers. Please ensure the file you upload is a CSV, XLS, or XLSX file with three mandatory fields: Name, Phone and Notes.

  4. Add the List Name

  5. Select the lead file you want to upload. Ensure it is a CSV, XLS or an XLSX file

  6. Click on Upload File Button to load leads to the Calley Web Panel. 

  7.  Calley Personal Subscription will automatically upload the top 50 unique numbers from the selected lead file. 

  8. You will now need to map the fields in your XLS file with the respective fields in the Calley Web Panel. Since you are on Calley Personal you can only map three fields that is Name, Phone and Notes. Mapping of all fields is mandatory. Map First Name.

  9. Map Phone Number

  10. Map Notes

  11. Once you have mapped these fields to respective fields in the Calley web panel, click on "Import Data"

  12. As the data is imported successfully you will be able to see the Calling List created in the panel. This is the same list that will be available to you in the Mobile App to make calls. You can click on the list name to see details of the leads imported. 

  13. On this page you can see all the leads imported in the calling list you just created. Calley Personal Web Panel Setup is now done. You will now need to Install the Mobile App on your Android or iPhone to make you first Call. Details of the calls you made will be updated automatically with the web panel and you can see the reporting for the calls done on this page. 

Your work in Calley Web Panel is done now. You can head to the Calley ACD Mobile App. 

Autodialing on Android Phone  

If you do not have the app installed you will need to download the app on your mobile phone.

  1. Once downloaded you can login to the app with the username and password that you used to create an account on the web panel. 

  2. As you download the Calley Android App, once you log in, the app will prompt you for the required permissions to work correctly.  Click on Proceed.

  3. As you come to the next step this is where you need to allow the permissions. Please Allow all permissions by clicking on the respective button. All permissions are mandatory for the Calley App to function on your Android Phone.

  4. Permission 1 - Allow Calley to access your phone call logs.

  5. Permission 2 - Allow Calley to make and manage the phone calls.

  6. Permission 3 - Allow Calley to show a Pop Over other apps. It will take you to the settings section in your Android phone where you can Allow popover permission for the Calley App. 

  7. Once all the permissions are approved click on Getting started now.

  8. Once the permissions are done you are brought to the getting started page that tells about how you can set up Calley Web Panel. Click on Start Calling Now.

  9. As you are on the dashboard, and we believe you have already uploaded your calling list in the web panel, you can now start calling. Click on the Blue Button. 

  10. Click on Continue.

  11. You can see the lists you have uploaded, Click on the list You want to auto dial. 

  12. As the list is loaded successfully, on your Android phone, you can now start AutoDialing by clicking on Start Calling Now Button.

  13. Calley offers you different calling modes to choose from when making calls from an android mobile phone. Standard Mode, Uninterrupted Mode, App Mode, WhatsApp Mode. As you are on Calley Personal you only have access to the Standard Mode. 

  14. As the call is triggered you can see the details of the number being called. At this screen you can take 3 actions,  You can Cancel the Call from being dialed, You can skip this number and go to the next number in the list or if you want you can load another list. 

  15. The Respective Phone Number is called from the Mobile Sim Card. 

  16. Once the call is finished the app will prompt you a Post Call Feedback page which gives you following options 

    1. Feedback - Here you can select for Call Dispositions (This feature is not available in Calley Personal) 
    2. SMS Template  - You can choose SMS Template in case you wish to leave a SMS / WhatsApp message at the end of the call (This feature is not available in Calley Personal)  
    3. Email Template - You can choose email template in case you wish to send an email to the lead at the end of the call.  (This feature is not available in Calley Personal) 
    4. Reschedule Your Call - You can setup a schedule for calling the lead again, the app will remind you of the same.  
    5. Call Notes - You can put notes for the call done for future reference. 

  17. Once filled you have 3 options at the bottom of Post Call Feedback screen.

    1. Call Again - It will redial the same number for you. 
    2. Mark as DND - It will mark the number as DND in your panel and the same will be filtered from future calls. 
    3. Next Call - It will save the notes you have filled and dial the next call for you.  

  18. Calley will dial the next number in the list. In case you want to pause autodialing, you can click on Cancel and the list will be paused. 

  19. You can see the dashboard for the Calls done, Pending calls and Scheduled Calls.

We hope that you are clear with setting up your Calley Personal Account. If you need further assistance in setting up your Calley Account for the first time you can write to us on or Request a demo

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