Can I use Calley to make calls from my Windows10 or Mac Desktop / Laptop?

Can I use Calley to make calls from my Windows10 or Mac Desktop / Laptop?

Calley is a mobile app for Android and iOS phones. 

It is not a Desktop Dialler.
The reason we made it like that is because. 
  1. To make calls using a Desktop Dialer you need a server that will be making calls on your behalf. 
  2. A desktop dialler fixes you geographically while the whole idea of making Calley was to give you a Call Dialler which you can use anywhere. 

If you are running Calley on Android Phone and you have a Chrome Browser on your Laptop / Desktop (Mac or Windows) then you can use Calley as a Desktop Dialer too using a Screen Mirroring software called VYSOR. 

You can download it by visiting - which gives you a feel of a desktop dialler itself. It connects your mobile phone screen to your computer and you can use Calley as if you are using a Desktop Dialler. 

Check out this setup video below thanks to Tim Schofield 

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