How to Rechurn a List in Calley PRO?

How to Rechurn a List in Calley PRO?

In Calley PRO you can Rechurn a call list, this is done in three ways based on the feedbacks set for each number.

Case 1: Select Feedback > New List > List Name

  1. Go to Call List details of the List you want to Rechurn.

  2. Click on the Rechurn list button.

  3. Select the Feedback > Take Call Notes from Old List > List Name and Click on Go.

  4. You will receive a Pop Up and Click on Ok.

  5. Wait for 15min, New List is created with selected Feedback Numbers are reassigned to the User along with old updated Call notes.

Case 2: Select Feedback > Same List Rechurn 

  1. Go to Call List details of the List you want to Rechurn.
  2. Click on the Rechurn list button

  3. Select the Feedback > Same List and Click on Go.

  4. You will receive a Pop Up and Click on Ok.

  5. Wait for 15min, In the same list selected Feedback Numbers are reassigned to the User.

Case 3: Select Feedback > Take a Call Notes from Old List > List Name

  1. Go to Call List details of the List you want to Rechurn.

  2. Click on the Rechurn list button.

  3. Select the Feedback > Take Call Notes from Old List > List Name and Click on Go.

  4. You will receive a Pop Up and Click on Ok.

  5. Wait for 15min, New List is created with selected Feedback Numbers are reassigned to the User along with old updated Call notes.

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